Here I am in my Bronx apartment counting down the months until I enter into the next stage of my life, embarking on a big creative journey - taking a risk on myself and my ART! I'm ready to change my life in more ways than one!!
It is both exciting and scary but I am feeling ready. Much to do before then and I plan to spend a lot of time in preparation. This weekend I had several great thrift store finds laid out on my little tiny kitchen table getting primed for the paint. Funny how one can work in such a small space when you are determined.
I've already set up a painting room at my Huntington house and have finished two pieces (pics to be included soon) and the next step is to set up a painting space at my boyfriend's house. YES - painting everywhere I go.
I can just see it now - outfitting the back of my Yaris for painting too - hah, how funny would that be?
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